
Neuronize your Business!

Individuelle Software Lösungen - Beratung zum Thema IT - Interne Software Tools


This is us!

We are happy to advise you! That's why we offer you free initial consultations in which we can already discuss initial strategies. Choose one of the strategies below without obligation and book an initial consultation.

Go Online! img

Go Online!

Building a web presence all on your own can be hard. We help you to build one and take action as a consultant, design-agency and as your IT-Team. Each of this task will be completed by professionals provided by our company.

Your Team! img

Your Team!

Nowadays, every company needs an IT department. Having an in house IT department is costly and not possible for the majority of companies. Because of that, we started to develop and maintain individual IT-systems for our customers. All that while providing an in-house like experience, being scalable and available 24/7.

Artificial Intelligence! img

Artificial Intelligence!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are the future. We help our customers to unlock the power of AI/ML for them. With the use of this rather new technology, complex and elaborate tasks can be automated and forecasts like never before can be created.

Unsere Dienstleistungen im Überblick

Warten von Bestandssoftware

Optimieren Sie Ihre Bestandssoftware. Unsere Experten halten Ihre Bestandssoftware nicht nur am laufen, sie erweitern, optimieren und verbessern auf Ihren Wunsch.

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Entwicklung von individuellen Softwarelösungen

Entdecken Sie maßgeschneiderte Softwarelösungen für Ihr Unternehmen! Unsere Experten verwirklichen Ihre digitalen Visionen.

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Website Entwicklung

Bringe deine Vision ins Netz! Wir gestalten maßgeschneiderte Webseiten, die begeistern und Ergebnisse liefern. Dein Online-Erfolg beginnt hier.

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Unsere Produkte

Neben unserer Tätigkeit als Dienstleister bieten wir auch Betriebssoftware an, die Ihre unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten vereinfacht. Unsere Produkte decken alle modernen Problemstellungen im Unternehmen ab. Von der Dokumentenverwaltung bis hin zur Stundenerfassung mit Rechnungslegung, es findet sich ein passendes Produkt für Sie. Auch Buchungsseiten für Ihre Kunden sind kein Problem.

Dokumentenverwaltung img


Unsere Dokumentenverwaltung bietet eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung für die effiziente Organisation und sichere Aufbewahrung Ihrer Unternehmensdokumente. Von der automatischen Klassifizierung und Indexierung bis hin zur benutzerfreundlichen Suche und nahtlosen Integration in bestehende Systeme – dabei bleiben wir den Buchhaltungsstandards treu und ermöglichen ein unkommpliziertes Verknüpfen Ihrer digitalen Dokumente mit dem physischen Orginal.

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Stundenerfassung + Rechnungslegung img

Stundenerfassung + Rechnungslegung

Optimiere Arbeitsabläufe und maximiere Einnahmen mit unserer Stundenerfassungssoftware! Verfolgt mühelos Ihre Arbeitszeit, erstelle automatisch detaillierte Abrechnungen und behaltet dabei stets den Überblick über Ihre Projekte. Effizient, präzise und zeitsparend – so können Sie sich auf das konzentrieren, was wirklich zählt: Ihr Geschäft.

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Terminbuchung für Ihre Kunden img

Terminbuchung für Ihre Kunden

Erfolg beginnt mit effizientem Zeitmanagement! Unsere Terminbuchungsplattform bietet Ihnen und Ihren Kunden die ultimative Flexibilität. Einfache Terminvergabe, automatische Erinnerungen und nahtlose Integration in Ihren Kalender. Mach jeden Termin zum Erfolg!

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Welcome to the Web!

You are self-employed and finally want to put a homepage on the Internet? Your website is outdated and could do with a new polish? Do you need help maintaining your website? If any of the above questions appeal to you, we are the right address for you! We create a modern website exactly according to your needs and bring it to the World Wide Web for you!

We are your IT-Department!

In this day and age, hardly anyone is spared from digitalisation. To remain competitive as a company, you have to keep up with the times. But how are you supposed to take care of a digital infrastructure in addition to your main job? This is where we come in and offer you comprehensive services in the area of digitalisation, just what an IT department would take over!

Data is key!

The ability to take data – to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualise it, to communicate it – is going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades. - Hal Varian, Chief Economist at Google

People standing in a restaurant.


People standing in a restaurant.People standing in a restaurant.People standing in a restaurant.People standing in a restaurant.


People standing in a restaurant.People standing in a restaurant.People standing in a restaurant.People standing in a restaurant.


Gather data, process it, and make it available to you - this is our service!

Data Accumulation

Smart business decisions are sourced by data. Moreover, we process and prepar your already collected data for further evaluation. No data collected? No Problem we help you to gather core data, that will lead to further growth and smarter business decisions. No matter what kind of data you have collected and what medium used - sheets, bills, reports or even databases - we are able to use this data and take them into account for further decisions.


Although data is key to success, data is only the first step to go. Bucketloads of data generated by a modern company can not be evaluated without machines. To stay competitive a individual solution must be created, that fits to your business and helps by smart business decisions. Modern businesses needs modern solutions, thus we use modern machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies for evaluation.

Visual Presentation

Great data paired with next level evaluation can not be used efficiently without visualisation. We offer custom solutions for your business and show you only the important ratios and values that are interesting to you. All our systems can be integrated in the ecosystem of your business. Our custom solutions give you a new kind of overview - a more objective one without any bias. Make better decisions with us.


All the latest Neuronize news, straight from Us.

Launch of our website!

No more waiting - we are online. Nowadays, having a website is everything. Thus, we focused on launching or website as fast as possible. With such a solid basis the company can grow. We look to the future with anticipation.


The Team!

Portrait of Georg Huber



Portrait of Fabian Vidounig



Portrait of Gianna Mendoza



Portrait of Marko Tatic



Klagenfurt, 9020
+43 680 237445